Missive to Candidates for the Office of 7th Maryland Congressional District.

This below email was sent to each of the Democratic and Republican candidates running for the office of 7th Maryland Congressional District.  As of close-of-business February 1, 2020, I have only heard from 1 Democrat and 1 Republican.  Hopefully, I will receive commitment from the majority of candidates.  If not, we all should be concerned that our serious issues are not being acknowledged or discussed.


Dear Candidate

I am writing to you because you are running for the seat vacated by the untimely death of Representative Elijah Cummings.  I cannot tell you how important this election is.  Whoever fills that seat will have an awesome responsibility to the constituents of the 7th Maryland Congressional District, of which I am one.  This district covers many diverse populations, all with their own diverse issues.

One of the main concerns of my organization is the plight of the Black families in Baltimore City, specifically female headed households without a father present.

 Statistics show that in the 7th district, there is:

 1.       A concentration of households making less than $25,000 a year,
2.        A high percentage of households living below the poverty level,
3.        A high level of children under the age of 18 living below the poverty level,
4.        A 40.6 percent poverty level for female-headed families with children
            under age 18 and no father present.  

This situation is at the root of many of our communities problems and must be addressed.  This is just one of the many issues facing our community but it is key to beginning our recovery as a people. 

There was a time not too long ago that Black America had a higher percentage of nuclear families than White America.  I am a product of that period.  We had hope and that hope resonated from within our strong family structure.

Laws and policies such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children (with the stipulation that females could not work and could not have a man present), 3 Strike Out and Zero Tolerance helped to destroy our families. 

During your campaign I would like for you to acknowledge the fact that our families are in serious trouble and we, together, must address the issue.  I don’t expect you to have any recommendations at this time but just the fact that you acknowledge the issue gives hope to those in those hopeless situations. 

I have over ten (10) years of analytical data, interviews, commentaries and many ideas on how we can make a difference and change some lives.  If you decide to make this one of your campaign pledges, I can be of assistance.

I can be reached at 443.467.3155.  Thanking you in advance for considering my request.  And best of luck during the campaign.

Yours in Friendship,
Larry C. Smith, President
Look Forward My Brother, LLC
Linkedin/Larry C. Smith
January 29, 2020