Donald Trump Did Not Win the Election of 2024, Common Sense Did

It is not the case that the majority of Americans love Donald Trump; it is the case that most Americans value just plain, good old common sense.  And the fact of the matter is that the Democratic Party pushed issues that made no good old common sense.  Let us take for example the issue of transgender rights.  It is okay for one to think they are something other than what they are; that is one’s right.  But what one thinks and what one is, now that’s another matter.  Common sense says if your body is that of a male, you cannot get around that fact, you are a male.  And to put a female in a competitive physical environment with a male makes no good old common sense.  Those male traits will overtake the female trait and she will lose to the male; plain and simple.  And that loss could be physically as well as mentally harmful to the wellbeing of the female.

And a lack of common sense in a number of other arenas led to previously blue states flipping to red as with the states of Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Arizona.   Lack of good old common sense also led to low Black voter turnout in some key states and substantial increases in Black votes for Donald Trump.  The Democratic Party must take the feel of the masses and its loyal Black base into consideration and use some good old common sense in developing its platform and talking points.
