Using Capital One For Your Business Credit Card – Not So Good An Idea

I would not recommend using Capital One for your business credit card. The reason, they regularly forward your balance and payment information to the 3 consumer credit reporting agencies as well as the business credit reporting agencies. In other words, your business debt is affecting your personal credit score.  Most of the other major credit card companies do not do that.  And for very good reason.  Business and personal accounts are separate and distinct and should be kept that way.  Mixing the two is putting you, the entrepreneur, at a disadvantage in your personal life.  And that’s not good.

I don’t want to recommend any bank to use but I recommend you do the research. It should be noted that if you fail to pay on your business card over an extended length of time, all credit card companies will alert the consumer credit reporting agencies.

I had a very long discussion with Capital One about the error of their ways and how their practices are contrary to the spirit of business ownership. The representative promised to elevate my concerns to higher management. I have taken immediate action to close the account and transfer my business debt to a company more in tune with the business world and its needs.